Tamás Waliczky: Pictures, 1988, excerpt
The computer is an instrument for me, like a photo or a film camera, that the consumer can choose in the shop, considering his or her purpose and purse. I've been working on an ATARI 520 ST for years, and as having this type of computer, I realized my graphical and animation film ideas on it. The artistic quality of a work of art dosn't depend in the first place on the technical background, but on the artistic invention of the artist. Realising my ideas, I consciously imply the bad resolution and the few colours of this machine. Always the theme is, that determines the chosen softwares and peripherials. I'm interested in every kind of sights, that can be seen on the monitor, from the digitalized pictures to the 3D-animation. And my themes are the eternal human problems.
Tamás Waliczky, 1988
In 1988, after completing the "Mobiles" series, Waliczky made a five minute computer animation which he called PICTURES. Based on a set of digitally manipulated snapshots from a family photo album, the work is like a slide show in virtual form: details from the first photograph are enlarged by an imaginary camera, and each enlargement generates a new "picture". Thus the viewer sees an ever-receding sequence of moments from the story of a person's life. The first and last image in the animation are identical; the circle is complete and the story comes to an end.
Anna Szepesi, 1995
Computer animation, 4 min. 55 sec.
Master: U-Matic
Design and animation: Tamás Waliczky
The "Pictures" were made with the help of the Caesar Computer Software studio
In-house softwares: Art Director, Art Expander, Film Director, Scroll Up I., II., Expshow
Studio director: András Császár
Special thanks to: Nándor Czeiner, Anna Szepesi, Vilmos Thernesz, György Pálos
Software support: Zoltán Császár, Nándor Czeiner, Emil Venyercsán
Copyright © 1988 Tamás Waliczky and Anna Szepesi
Distributors: Tamás Waliczky, Anna Szepesi, Wallada Bioscop Ltd.
Images copyright © 1988, Tamás Waliczky